Thursday, June 24, 2010



I'm a big fan of trading for goods. One needs to proceed with caution before agreeing to anything; also I think a person should always follow through with a commitment. If the other party brakes their part first, all bets are off. That being said, barter is a great tool for self progress.

Sometimes large companies will be glad to barter, if you find the right person to talk to. I have a rail-way that runs through my property. It needs to be fenced off, Montana law says they have to fence me out, Also they have to pay market price for any livestock they hit. They're a union outfit, so rapid response is not gonna happen. Its been two years in the works to do the fencing.

When I first moved here I built and repaired one mile of fencing (this was before I knew they were required to do it. Ignorance is expensive ( I may be able to collect for this its in the air right now). They contracted out for another section a mile long, but they get fined by there union for contracting outside their work force. Here is where the barter comes in.

I offered to build their mile of fence, with their materials in exchange for materials for another mile of fence. So they give me two miles of materials (costs is around 8000.00) I build a mile of fence and keep the materials for the other pastures I need to fence off. So basically I get payed 4k to do a 4 day job! They dont get fined this way, and I get what I need. WIN WIN!


  1. Howdy Buck! Good Lord! How big is your ranch?

  2. This is really interesting take on the concept. I never thought of it that way. I came across this site recently which I think it will be a great use of new ideas and informations.

  3. Hi Biggun!
    Its long and narrow. The mileage makes it sound bigger, than it is.

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