Wheat farming and drug laws. The two seem pretty far detached but they are not. In fact Gun regulation, wheat farming and The war on drugs are all made possible by a law suit challenging farm subsides and a farmers right to grow additional wheat beyond the wheat he was subsidised to grow. In the 1930's when farm subsidies were just getting started. This case was argued in 1942 . http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wickard_v._Filburn
The supreme Court ruled in favor of the US gov. Saying that if the farmer grows more wheat even though this wheat was for personal use it would still effect the market of US wheat prices since the farmer would have grown it and not purchased the wheat from the "market".
The regulation on interstate commerce was born; this is the same law the US uses to regulate Guns, drugs and a laundry list of other activities.
On a side note:I mention subsidies starting in the 1930's because its important to note that during the Great Depression the US was manipulating wheat and other farm crops to drive the price higher. Its a fact unknown to the city folk in bread lines.
The supreme Court ruled in favor of the US gov. Saying that if the farmer grows more wheat even though this wheat was for personal use it would still effect the market of US wheat prices since the farmer would have grown it and not purchased the wheat from the "market".
The regulation on interstate commerce was born; this is the same law the US uses to regulate Guns, drugs and a laundry list of other activities.
On a side note:I mention subsidies starting in the 1930's because its important to note that during the Great Depression the US was manipulating wheat and other farm crops to drive the price higher. Its a fact unknown to the city folk in bread lines.
The supreme Court ruled in favor of the US gov. Saying that if the farmer grows more wheat even though this wheat was for personal use it would still effect the market of US wheat prices since the farmer would have grown it. Politics play a big part in commodity issues. There are so many factors to consider. Luckily, I stumbled upon Agriculture.com. They had some really useful information and their strategies from farmers and marketing firms listings, are not only detailed, but also include crop technology info, tips and advise from planting to harvesting. They include daily weather news and market commentaries, so I could find the ones for my niche easily. Finding the wheat prices trends is essentially making an educated decision. You should check them out.