The point of war is not to die for your country, but to make the the other side die for theirs.
I read this somewhere the other day and wanted to pass it along.
Thursday, December 31, 2009
Diet and Corn....I still worked in a jab to Government.
Over on Bison blog. (the hair guy) He had a post on diet. Basically in his post he points out, and rightly so, that today's diets are based on vegetables rather than meat. Also, that dietitians mistakenly categorize corn as a vegetable; not its correct category which is grain. ( dont be to hard on them, most dietitians are liberal and probably received there education for free on a government program, Welfare to work or something of the like. College is mostly geared towards learning to follow the leader, not on learning how to do your job. Tuition is used to support an infrastructure and to create jobs) (If it weren't for college where would you employ all the over educated socialist brain washed government loving teachers. To them life is good and our government gave them it to them, by taxing every skilled laborer) (skilled labor, Providences the products/services that support everyone else).
I personally did not know it was a grain,(I'm not a dietitian) I guess I hadn't given it much thought. Slightly off topic, I have found corn to work well to put weight on livestock quickly, for horses it needs to be ground unless you boil the cob and corn first, then some will eat it whole. Works good for cows and hogs too. Did you know that most, if not all corn grown in the Midwest is #2 corn? (we eat #1 aka sweet corn) States like CA grow the corn for human consumption. # 2 is for livestock feed.
At my table BEEF is whats for dinner every night.(sex for desert-I dont eat much sweets) I have been known to have leftover steak for breakfast. I suspect the modern diet is evolving to the activities of people today, or lack of activities of today's desk-jockey road-rage office- person. (who probably works for the state or government. More than 50% of our work force,are in a government or government funded industry) (we require more to manage our infrastructure, than to power our economy) Today's standard is low activity for most. A big steak is the last thing, most Americans need. For today's average fat ass, the most activity they get is sex, and the sex is seldom to never, probably because its too much work. I have heard some couples mount less than once a month. Its stands to reason however; most your office and government folks are probably tired from screwing the taxpayers and customers all day at work. I have included a photo for supporting facts on the diet subject.
I personally did not know it was a grain,(I'm not a dietitian) I guess I hadn't given it much thought. Slightly off topic, I have found corn to work well to put weight on livestock quickly, for horses it needs to be ground unless you boil the cob and corn first, then some will eat it whole. Works good for cows and hogs too. Did you know that most, if not all corn grown in the Midwest is #2 corn? (we eat #1 aka sweet corn) States like CA grow the corn for human consumption. # 2 is for livestock feed.
At my table BEEF is whats for dinner every night.(sex for desert-I dont eat much sweets) I have been known to have leftover steak for breakfast. I suspect the modern diet is evolving to the activities of people today, or lack of activities of today's desk-jockey road-rage office- person. (who probably works for the state or government. More than 50% of our work force,are in a government or government funded industry) (we require more to manage our infrastructure, than to power our economy) Today's standard is low activity for most. A big steak is the last thing, most Americans need. For today's average fat ass, the most activity they get is sex, and the sex is seldom to never, probably because its too much work. I have heard some couples mount less than once a month. Its stands to reason however; most your office and government folks are probably tired from screwing the taxpayers and customers all day at work. I have included a photo for supporting facts on the diet subject.
Wednesday, December 30, 2009
Found on Cragslist -
Health Care Bill
To President Obama and all 535 voting members of the Legislature,
It is now official you are ALL corrupt morons:
1) The U.S. Post Service was established in 1775--you have had 234 years to get it right and it is broke.
2) Social Security was established in 1935--you have had 74 years to get it right and it is broke.
3) Fannie Mae was established in 1938--you have had 71 years to get it right and it is broke.
4) War on Poverty started in 1964 you have had 45 years to get it right; $1 trillion is confiscated from us each year and transferred to "the poor” and they only want more.
5) Medicare and Medicaid were established in 1965--you have had 44 years to get it right and they are broke.
6) Freddie Mac was established in 1970--you have had 39 years to get it right and it is broke.
7) The Department of Energy was created in 1977 to lessen our dependence on foreign oil, it has ballooned to 16,000 employees with a budget of $24 billion a year and we import more oil than ever before--you had 32 years to get it right and it is an abysmal failure.
You have FAILED in every "government service" you have shoved down our throats while overspending our tax dollars AND YOU WANT AMERICANS TO BELIEVE YOU CAN BE TRUSTED WITH A GOVERNMENT-RUN HEALTH CARE SYSTEM?? Are you crazy, or do you just believe all Americans are morons too???
Truly, the inmates are running the asylum and what does this say about us, as voters who put such idiots in office?? If we do not vote against EVERY incumbent currently in office we are ALL morons, regardless of our political leanings.
Sharpen your resumes you Socialist/Liberal Politicians that call yourself Democrats
Found on Cragslist LA/ Rants
I ran across this the other day I guess its kinda funny
Dating Rules for Men (worldwide)
1. Spend no more than $40 on a date. You worked hard for your money, and you should keep it. Spending more than $40 won’t get you laid, anyway. Your best bet is to set up a date AFTER dinner, say, 9-10pm, and make sure cocktails are involved.
2. NEVER date single mothers. Since she has a child, you already KNOW her stance on abortion – if you get her pregnant, she won’t have one. Don’t risk paying what I call “vaginamony.” Plus, her kids will ALWAYS be #1 in her life. You will ALWAYS be after them, on the back burner. Why would you want to be in second place, after some spoiled brat who’s not even your offspring? If you are already seeing a single mother, get out – NOW. Always remember, “child support” lasts 18 years. That adds up to a LOT of money.
3. If by the third date you’re not getting laid, you’re OUT. If you haven’t laid any pipe by the third date, she sees you as a softie, as a “friend,” and you don’t want to be friends. You don’t want to be a “nice guy.” You want action. She is sponging off you. She is using you. DUMP HER.
4. If a girl – any girl – ever answers her ringing cell phone while you’re out on a date, get up a leave. Chances are she has set up a bogus emergency call, to get out of the date early. If she’s yammering away on the phone, that means she’s not interested in you. And if she’s not interested in you, guess what? She’s not going to bang you. She just talked to that “bad boy” she knows who’s going to drop by and bang her later on, after you’ve left, $40 or more in debt from the date. If your date answers her phone (rude, all by itself) and you get the vibe that she’s talking to a guy, simply excuse yourself politely, and leave her there. Don’t worry, she’ll find a way home.
5. Do NOT agree to any “coffee” dates or “lunch” dates. You do not get laid after wasting time and money on such nonsense. You want to see her AFTER THE SUN HAS GONE DOWN. This is when everyone – women too – are thinking about getting laid. Most importantly, alcohol MUST be involved in your date.
6. Thursdays through Saturdays is off-limits for girls, unless you are convinced you’re going to get laid. This time is spent hanging out with your friends, having a good time, and meeting NEW girls, to keep your supply fresh and constant.
7. Never answer your phone during the weekend. You want women to believe you are busy, out on the town, having fun, doing fun things. If you answer the phone, you will appear weak and desperate, which you’re not. You have lots of things to do with your friends.
8. Do not have a serious relationship with any woman until you have realized your personal dreams. Women are dream-killers. Women KILL your life-dreams. Women suck the very life and soul and energy from what you want to really do in life. Like a friend of mine puts it, “Women don’t know how oppressive they are.” And they are. Women want to know where you’ve been, where you’re going, what she and you are going to “do” later, and on and on and on. You don’t need any of that. You don’t want to be a slave to anyone, do you? No, you want to be FREE. You want to live your own life as you see fit. And no woman on earth is going to let you do that. Why? Because she’s too wrapped up in what SHE wants. And she wants EVERYTHING, by the way.
9. Never bang any chick you work with – unless you want to lose your job. Yes, many people meet at work, and sometimes it actually works out for them. But, be warned – there are also lots of sexual-harassment lawsuits in the works, and you don’t want to have anything to do with one of those. Such an action could potentially ruin your life forever. Stay clear from sex with the women you work with.
10. Women like and respect men who are CONFIDENT. Develop your game. Even if you’re trembling inside, just act like you’re not. Even if you don’t have any idea what to say to her when you approach, just approach and say it. ACT LIKE A MAN, for God’s sake. There are not too many of us left these days. If you don’t know how to act like a man, rent, watch, and study films starring some real men of their day: John Wayne, Robert Mitchum, Clint Eastwood, and Steve McQueen. Women hate fags. Women love MEN. Wake up, grow up, and start being a MAN. It won’t matter what you wear, what you drive, how tall (or short) you are, or even if you’re completely cue-ball bald. Learn how to be a MAN, and women will let you know they’re interested.
11. Don’t talk too much. Don’t talk too much. Don’t talk too much. Oh, did I mention, don’t talk too much? Your job on a date, on the phone, every time you’re talking to a woman, is to ask her questions that she can respond to. Don’t “interview” her. Don’t tell her all about you and how great you are and what a great job you have. Keep your sentences to her SHORT and SIMPLE. LET HER TALK. As hard as it might be at first, pretend you’re interested in what she has to say (even if in reality she’s boring you to death). You’re job is to get her to open up, to loosen up, and remember to say things like, “Gee, I feel really comfortable around you.” Women are big on “feelings.” Insert one sentence about how she makes you “feel,” like the sentence above. I told a nervous, young Asian girl this, during dinner, and later that night, right before I kissed her goodnight, she repeated the sentence to me: “Gee, I feel really comfortable around you.” On our next day, home run. So, tell your date how comfortable you “feel” when you’re with her, and watch that one statement help her make up her mind about you. Believe me, it works.
12. USE A CONDOM DURING EVERY ENCOUNTER. NO EXCEPTIONS! You don’t want to catch anything she might have, and you don’t want to be paying her $500 a month or more in child-support for 18 years, right? Just so you know, $500 a month for 18 years is $108,000 – and a lot of stress, aggravation, and heartache too, right fellas?
13. The absolute BEST girls are the ones who are new to the USA and who are not yet totally “Americanized.” These kinds of girls are generally much more faithful to you, plus they’re hot, they’re good to great in bed, and they’ll treat you well. Don’t even get me started on how much born-here, American girls suck. American girls know what they want and nothing else. They will make you just as miserable as they are. Stick to Asians, Latinas, and European girls.
14. Your income will reflect the quality of girl you get. The higher your income, the better-looking girl you can afford. Remember to strive high. DON’T SETTLE! Too many of us guys settle, and we don’t have to. We’re in charge. We’re in the power position. Never forget that. When you’re on the prowl, stay hungry. Women try to upgrade all the time. Guys should do that too.
15. When you call a girl, never leave a voice-message. Never leave a voice-message. Did I say, never leave a voice-message? Your number will appear on her caller ID. That will be more than enough to pique her interest. She will return your call. If you leave a message, that make you seem desperate, which you’re not (remember?) Plus, leaving a message allows way too much leeway for making a mistake, like talking too much, revealing too much information. Remember boys, less is more. Less is more. Keep her interested!
16. Show her in any way possible that you don’t need her. Make her feel like she matters, sure, but she is EASILY replaceable.
17. NEVER call a girl twice in the same week. This was in the movie “Swingers,” and it works.
18. The following days are all off-limits: Christmas, New Year’s Eve and Day, Valentine’s Day, Thanksgiving, her birthday, and your birthday. Do not make plans with chicks you are dating on these days. Why? Because it can end up being expensive, time-consuming, and energy-draining, with little to no sex involved in most cases. If it’s a birthday booty-call, fine. Go for it. Holiday meal with her family? No. “Sorry, can’t make it.”
19. If you’ve planned to meet her for dinner, make sure you eat a hearty meal BEFORE you take her out. Tell the waiter, “I’ll just have a salad.” If your date asks why, tell her, “I’m trying to eat healthy.” Believe me, no woman on the planet is going to eat more than you.
20. Never do anything with your date that you don’t want to do. If she wants to “drop by her friend’s house for some wine,” and you don’t want to, tell her no. Remember, you’re spending the money, you decide what you want to do, when you’ll do it, how you’ll do it, and where you’ll do it. NEVER let any woman plan anything that the two of you will do.
21. NEVER let her drive. If she has a brand-new Mercedes, and she wants to let you drive it, fine. But NEVER under any circumstances should you ever let any woman drive. This is a massive blunder. She will assume that you are weak, that she therefore is strong, and that she will now wear the pants in the relationship. You do NOT want anyone but you wearing the pants. I see younger “men” sitting in the “bitch” seat, while their more-masculine girlfriend drives them around town, and it sickens me, how weak and pathetic some “men” can be. Wake up, boys, and smell the coffee. You do NOT want any woman in charge of you.
22. There is a natural order to life. The natural order is God, man, woman, child. God comes first, man comes second, woman comes third. Only a spiritual man – who thinks of God and puts God first – is a real man. If a man is not spiritual, if he does not believe in God, he is not a real man. A real man knows God exists, and he is fully responsible for the woman in his life. A woman is passive toward her man, and – if they have children – she is active toward their children. That is the natural order of life: God, man, woman, child. There is no other way. Every other way will fail. Women are not meant to be in charge. Men are meant and created to be in charge. Again, wake up, men. It’s time to stand up and be counted.
23. NEVER ask a woman what she wants. Never ask a woman what she wants to do. Women never know what they want. Women never know what they want to do. Remember, YOU are in charge. YOU are the skipper of your ship. If she wants to come on board, fine. If not, leave her at the dock.
24. After you’ve had sex and you’ve rested a few minutes, remind her what a good time you’ve had. It’s okay to say, “Hmmm, that was pleasant…” Do not cuddle, do not “spoon,” do not make pillow-talk or discuss what you’re going to have for breakfast in the morning. In other words, do not stay over. Do not spend the night. Get in, get her off, get your rocks off, and get out. Believe it or not, she doesn’t really want you to stay, either. She’d much rather have her entire bed to herself, like she usually does, and no, your burps and farts in the morning are not amusing. If she’s at your place, slowly get dressed, rattle your keys, and tell her you’ll walk her out to her car. As she drives away, ALWAYS stand where she can see you and wave goodbye. It’s a nice touch to end the evening. She’ll remember you for that.
25. Men don’t dance. So, forget about “going dancing.” The only exceptions are queers and Latinos.
26. NEVER compliment a woman. NEVER. Why? Because it raises her self-esteem. You don’t want to hold her down; that’s not what I’m saying. It’s just that, if you tell her she looks good, she’ll actually begin to believe it, and psychologically she may even look “down” on you, like she could do better. Giving a woman a compliment will actually decrease your chance of getting sex from her. So, again, keep your mouth shut. Less is more!
Ok then.......
Don't you just hate it when this happens........... I find a perfect gift for that special Senator just after Christmas.
Tuesday, December 29, 2009
Russia Warns on Fuel Supplies to Eastern Europe
Basically they are in dispute of payment. Russia will stop delivering oil Jan1 of 2010. Currently they supply 90% of E. Europe oil. That's got'a hurt! They have another pipeline that has the capability of supping 30% of demand. Even If they can get the other pipe line up and flowing there still missing 70% of demand.
Its interesting to me, because what would happen when we have a payment dispute or if our solvency were in question. For that mater one state within the us could question another state. If California were cut-off would they just deal with it, or would violence erupt and spill over to nearby states causing a domino-effect.
As for the country as a hole our Dollar is the standard of trade for opec. so to call our Countries solvency in question will be difficult but possible. I think OPEC would love to dump the Dollar but the world pressure is to great, to allow it. Right now China Is over vested in the US. The others are hoping we will pull out of recession (depression) and pull them out with us. If we continue to sink and its evident we are going to pull others down with us, They will cut the cord. If the dollar gets dropped our country goes MAD MAX by weeks end.............Essential every dollar is a NSF check from a dead man.
But experts said Europe appeared better prepared than last time this occurred. Crucially, the supplies involve crude oil -- and not natural gas – and the three affected countries have enough reserves, at least for three months or so.
"Ukraine has asked for an increase of transit payments by Russia for [crude oil] shipments as of next year," Mr. Fico told a news conference. "Therefore Russia has warned the EU and us about possible disruptions of crude oil shipments from as early as Jan. 1."
Hungarian oil and gas company MOL Nyrt said it received a notice from Russian oil pipeline operator OAO Transneft that its transit spat with Ukraine's state oil pipeline operator Ukrtransnafta could lead to a cut of oil supplies to Eastern Europe Jan. 1. The spat affected the Druzhba oil pipeline.
The possible crude-oil-supply disruption is "due to [a] payments dispute between these two countries," Mr. Fico said. Last winter, supplies were also cut off when Russia shut down natural-gas shipments to the European Union via Ukraine.
"But unlike the gas crisis of last January, any possible oil shipment disruptions can be covered by [crude oil] supplies via alternative routes," Mr. Fico said. Russian crude-oil supplies account for over 90% of Slovakia's domestic demand.
The Eastern European country can get alternative oil supplies other than Russian shipments via rail, Slovak Industry Minister Lubomir Jahnatek said. Slovakia has crude oil and fuel reserves to cover more than 94 days of its domestic demand.
The Czech Republic has also prepared itself for the risk of an oil-supply cut from Russia by maintaining reserves that can cover the local demand for more than 90 days, Czech Industry Ministry spokesman Tomas Bartovsky said. "We went through similar situations before in 2008 and 2007 and therefore we're prepared," Mr. Bartovsky said.
The Czechs are less vulnerable than their Slovak neighbors, since Czech oil refineries can be switched fully to crude-oil supplies from the country's alternative pipeline, known as IKL. That pipeline connects the Czech Republic with the Adriatic Sea port of Trieste in northern Italy and delivers crude oil from the Persian Gulf region. The IKL pipeline covers 30% of local demand.
"IKL is capable of covering the entire local demand if necessary but it would require securing shipment slot contracts in the pipeline system," Mr. Bartovsky said, adding that ramping up the IKL oil shipments would take some time.
Hungary's crude reserves are sufficient to supply the country for 90 days of average consumption, MOL said in a release. "MOL is prepared to handle the situation; following a possible halt of supplies via the Druzhba pipeline, the reverse of flows on the Adriatic pipeline would become our prime task, which would take some 25-30 days," MOL said. "Even if the row escalated between Russia and the Ukraine, Hungary's crude supply wouldn't be at threat," MOL added.
For several months from late spring through late summer of 2008, Russia disrupted its oil shipments to the Czech Republic and Slovakia over a dispute concerning transit fees between Moscow and Kiev. "However, unlike last year's natural gas-shipment crises, any possible crude-oil-shipment disruptions are more easily manageable and there is no need for concerns over insufficient fuel supplies on [the Czech] market," Mr. Bartovsky said.
Meanwhile, Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin opened a new oil export terminal in the Far Eastern port of Kozmino to supply crude oil to Asia.
—Margit Feher in Budapest contributed to this article. Write to Leos Rousek at
Its interesting to me, because what would happen when we have a payment dispute or if our solvency were in question. For that mater one state within the us could question another state. If California were cut-off would they just deal with it, or would violence erupt and spill over to nearby states causing a domino-effect.
As for the country as a hole our Dollar is the standard of trade for opec. so to call our Countries solvency in question will be difficult but possible. I think OPEC would love to dump the Dollar but the world pressure is to great, to allow it. Right now China Is over vested in the US. The others are hoping we will pull out of recession (depression) and pull them out with us. If we continue to sink and its evident we are going to pull others down with us, They will cut the cord. If the dollar gets dropped our country goes MAD MAX by weeks end.............Essential every dollar is a NSF check from a dead man.
PRAGUE -- Russia has warned the European Union it may cut its crude-oil supplies to Slovakia, the Czech Republic and Hungary due to demands by Ukraine for higher transit fees, Slovak Prime Minister Robert Fico said Monday.But experts said Europe appeared better prepared than last time this occurred. Crucially, the supplies involve crude oil -- and not natural gas – and the three affected countries have enough reserves, at least for three months or so.
"Ukraine has asked for an increase of transit payments by Russia for [crude oil] shipments as of next year," Mr. Fico told a news conference. "Therefore Russia has warned the EU and us about possible disruptions of crude oil shipments from as early as Jan. 1."
Hungarian oil and gas company MOL Nyrt said it received a notice from Russian oil pipeline operator OAO Transneft that its transit spat with Ukraine's state oil pipeline operator Ukrtransnafta could lead to a cut of oil supplies to Eastern Europe Jan. 1. The spat affected the Druzhba oil pipeline.
The possible crude-oil-supply disruption is "due to [a] payments dispute between these two countries," Mr. Fico said. Last winter, supplies were also cut off when Russia shut down natural-gas shipments to the European Union via Ukraine.
"But unlike the gas crisis of last January, any possible oil shipment disruptions can be covered by [crude oil] supplies via alternative routes," Mr. Fico said. Russian crude-oil supplies account for over 90% of Slovakia's domestic demand.
The Eastern European country can get alternative oil supplies other than Russian shipments via rail, Slovak Industry Minister Lubomir Jahnatek said. Slovakia has crude oil and fuel reserves to cover more than 94 days of its domestic demand.
The Czech Republic has also prepared itself for the risk of an oil-supply cut from Russia by maintaining reserves that can cover the local demand for more than 90 days, Czech Industry Ministry spokesman Tomas Bartovsky said. "We went through similar situations before in 2008 and 2007 and therefore we're prepared," Mr. Bartovsky said.
The Czechs are less vulnerable than their Slovak neighbors, since Czech oil refineries can be switched fully to crude-oil supplies from the country's alternative pipeline, known as IKL. That pipeline connects the Czech Republic with the Adriatic Sea port of Trieste in northern Italy and delivers crude oil from the Persian Gulf region. The IKL pipeline covers 30% of local demand.
"IKL is capable of covering the entire local demand if necessary but it would require securing shipment slot contracts in the pipeline system," Mr. Bartovsky said, adding that ramping up the IKL oil shipments would take some time.
Hungary's crude reserves are sufficient to supply the country for 90 days of average consumption, MOL said in a release. "MOL is prepared to handle the situation; following a possible halt of supplies via the Druzhba pipeline, the reverse of flows on the Adriatic pipeline would become our prime task, which would take some 25-30 days," MOL said. "Even if the row escalated between Russia and the Ukraine, Hungary's crude supply wouldn't be at threat," MOL added.
For several months from late spring through late summer of 2008, Russia disrupted its oil shipments to the Czech Republic and Slovakia over a dispute concerning transit fees between Moscow and Kiev. "However, unlike last year's natural gas-shipment crises, any possible crude-oil-shipment disruptions are more easily manageable and there is no need for concerns over insufficient fuel supplies on [the Czech] market," Mr. Bartovsky said.
Meanwhile, Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin opened a new oil export terminal in the Far Eastern port of Kozmino to supply crude oil to Asia.
—Margit Feher in Budapest contributed to this article. Write to Leos Rousek at
Monday, December 28, 2009
Lets cook a turkey
Do you remember the turkeys Obama pardoned, Lets just say by the powers vested in me over ruled that of the falsely elected. The family cook (actually he is a truck drive/mechanic/manager, but still a dam fine cook) had recommended cooking the birds (them was some fiiiine loooookin birrrrrds) To, I think 160deg. at the breasts, to avoid the drying of other things like the drumsticks. The best part was we cooked them in a deep oil fryer (vegetable oil so OPEC didn't get there cut) The oil method worked well it needed a 5 gallon jug of oil and costs I think 25 bucks. The oil can be filtered and re-used if stored in a refrigerator. The cook, due to internet anonymity will have to use his code name, also The FBI may have started a man hunt looking for the abducted turkeys, They will award the person with information a Nobel Peace Prize, and free Health Care for life [see restrictions] So for now we will call him, Ray Prize, Come to think of it I think he got a Peace Prize before but that's another post. I forgot what I was going to say, O ya Ray Prize, heated the oil to 350 then lowered the bird in slowly to avoid splatter, and then covered. I think each bird took around an hour till Brest temp was reached.
The bird looks good and tasted the best!
Here is some news. Whats interesting here ,I think, is that news like this will tend to have an effect of higher fuel prices, soon. I dont believe we are coming out of recession and nether is china, but speculators my buy-in resulting in higher prices at the pump.
World oil demand to surge in 2010
THE world oil demand in 2010 would reach 85,13 million barrels per day (mb/d), increasing by 0.82 mb/d or 0.98 per cent compared to this year, according to the forecast made by Organisation of Petroleum and Exporting Countries (OPEC), in its latest monthly oil market report, in Vienna.
OPEC has increased the world oil demand by 60,000 barrels a day in the new monthly report in comparison with the monthly report of last month.
While the forecast of world oil demand in 2009 from OPEC remained the same as the previous monthly report, it fell by 1.62 per cent compared to 2008.
The latest report said that the demand for crude oil next year in China, which would be firstly out of economic recession, would grow obviously.
It would be expected to increase by 4.5 per cent. Besides, the growth rate of oil demand in the Middle East and North America would also reach 3.34 per cent and 0.99 per cent.
However, oil demand of the Western Europe and the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) countries, would be likely to keep declining, in which the Western Europe countries would reduce by 1.37 per cent and Japan would even fall by 2.03 per cent.
In the report, the demand for OPEC crude oil in 2009 was estimated to follow a downward revision from 28.67 mb/d of the previous assessment to average 28.58 mb/d.
However, the report also predicted that demand for OPEC crude oil would be expected to be 28.61 mb/d next year, an upward revision of around 10,000 barrels a day from the previous month and representing a slight increase of 30,000 barrels a day.
The upward revision of OPEC in world oil demand was based primarily on the overall global economy recovery.
It was expected in the report that the world economy would get rid of decline next year, showing a growth of 2.9 per cent from a contraction of 1.1 per cent this year.
The economy of OECD countries would expand by 1.3 per cent next year from a contraction of 3.4 per cent this year.
The United States would also grow by 1.6 per cent next year from a contraction of 2.5 per cent in 2009.
OPEC also estimated in its latest report that, the economic growth of China and India next year would reach 8.5 per cent and 6.5 per cent respectively.
In addition, the Euro zone economy would also expand from a contraction of 3.9 per cent in 2009 to 0.6 per cent in 2010.
World oil demand to surge in 2010
THE world oil demand in 2010 would reach 85,13 million barrels per day (mb/d), increasing by 0.82 mb/d or 0.98 per cent compared to this year, according to the forecast made by Organisation of Petroleum and Exporting Countries (OPEC), in its latest monthly oil market report, in Vienna.
OPEC has increased the world oil demand by 60,000 barrels a day in the new monthly report in comparison with the monthly report of last month.
While the forecast of world oil demand in 2009 from OPEC remained the same as the previous monthly report, it fell by 1.62 per cent compared to 2008.
The latest report said that the demand for crude oil next year in China, which would be firstly out of economic recession, would grow obviously.
It would be expected to increase by 4.5 per cent. Besides, the growth rate of oil demand in the Middle East and North America would also reach 3.34 per cent and 0.99 per cent.
However, oil demand of the Western Europe and the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) countries, would be likely to keep declining, in which the Western Europe countries would reduce by 1.37 per cent and Japan would even fall by 2.03 per cent.
In the report, the demand for OPEC crude oil in 2009 was estimated to follow a downward revision from 28.67 mb/d of the previous assessment to average 28.58 mb/d.
However, the report also predicted that demand for OPEC crude oil would be expected to be 28.61 mb/d next year, an upward revision of around 10,000 barrels a day from the previous month and representing a slight increase of 30,000 barrels a day.
The upward revision of OPEC in world oil demand was based primarily on the overall global economy recovery.
It was expected in the report that the world economy would get rid of decline next year, showing a growth of 2.9 per cent from a contraction of 1.1 per cent this year.
The economy of OECD countries would expand by 1.3 per cent next year from a contraction of 3.4 per cent this year.
The United States would also grow by 1.6 per cent next year from a contraction of 2.5 per cent in 2009.
OPEC also estimated in its latest report that, the economic growth of China and India next year would reach 8.5 per cent and 6.5 per cent respectively.
In addition, the Euro zone economy would also expand from a contraction of 3.9 per cent in 2009 to 0.6 per cent in 2010.
Found on Cragslist LA/ Rants
ANSWERS - on Economic Crisis
I started my day early in the morning, awakened by an alarm clock (made in Japan). While preparing coffee in the coffee machine (made in China), I shaved with a razor (made in Hong Kong). Then I put on my shorts (made in Shri Lanka), jeans (made in Singapore) and athletic shoes (made in Korea). After cooking breakfast in a special electric pot (made in India) I took my calculator (made in Mexico), to check how much I could spend today. After checking my watch (made in Taiwan) on the radio (made in India) I sat in my car (made in Japan), filled it with gasoline (made in Saudi Arabia) and went looking for a well-paid American job. At the end of another fruitless day, I sat at my computer (made in Malaysia), to relax a little, looked at the girls (made in Russia), put on my sandals (made in Brazil), poured myself a glass of wine (made in France) and started to watch TV (made in Indonesia), wondering why I can not find a well-paying job in America. Now, I hope to get help from my President (made in , , ,)
Truly yours,
A. P.
Sunday, December 27, 2009
News like this makes me suspicious. Is this perhaps, a staged event engineered to justify removal of more of our rights? Or is It legitimate, on the other hand, If it looks like a duck,,,,...... and you come home to find it in your bath tub........It didn't get there on its own.
Obama orders security review as the man charged with latest plot was on list of suspected terrorists
- Passenger footage shows terror suspect Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab being arrested and removed from flight 253 Pic: CNN
Published on 28 Dec 2009
US President Barack Obama yesterday ordered a major security review after it emerged the Nigerian who allegedly tried to blow up a transatlantic jet on Christmas Day with 278 passengers on board was on a list of suspected terrorists.
Mr Obama said the system for placing potential terrorists on travel security lists will be fully investigated after a record of Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab, 23, who set off a device on the Amsterdam to Detroit flight was created only last month in the worldwide intelligence community’s central database of information on known and suspected international terrorists.
Last night the same flight suffered another terrorist scare after a passenger – a Nigerian man – locked himself in the toilet. Reports said the man had become verbally disruptive after Northwest Airlines Flight 253 landed and was being held in police custody. Officials said the latest man to be arrested posed no security risk. A Delta spokeswoman says all 256 passengers were safely taken off the plane.
The latest incident is likely to heighten fears that air travellers to the US will face delays as they undergo extra security checks. Passengers travelling from UK airports were warned to expect “additional security checks” and limits on hand baggage.
It emerged yesterday that Abduluttalab’s father, Alhaji Umara Mutallab, a former chairman of the country’s First Bank in Nigeria, had visited the US Embassy in Abuja to discuss concerns about his son’s religious beliefs, but a US official said there was not enough negative data to put him on a “no-fly” list or a “selectee” list which calls for mandatory additional security checks.
An inquiry into how Abdulmutallab was able to get the explosive substance PETN, also known as pentaerythritol, onto the aircraft will also take place. According to an affidavit filed in support of the criminal complaint, Abdulmutallab had a device attached to his body when he boarded in the Netherlands on Christmas Day and as flight 253 approached Detroit Metropolitan Airport, Abdulmutallab was said to have set off the device, which resulted in a fire and what appears to have been an explosion.
He claimed he received training and instructions from al Qaeda operatives in Yemen, according to US law enforcement officials, and it has emerged the terrorist group warned of an attack four days before.
In the video posted on extremist websites affiliated with al Qaeda, a bearded man in a head-dress, identified as Mohammed al-Kalwi, says: “We are carrying a bomb to hit the enemies of God.”
Detectives in London yesterday scaled down their search of the apartment where he lived while studying mechanical engineering at University College London, a course he finished last year.
Abdulmutallab later went travelling and the UK declined his fresh visa request after he applied for a course at a bogus college.
Abdulmutallab has been moved from hospital, where he was receiving treatment for burns, to a secure location in Michigan.
Glasgow and Edinburgh airports, which have daily New York flights, posted advice for travellers on their websites, telling them to expect “additional security checks”, though a Glasgow Airport spokesman refused to reveal what they are.
Transport Secretary Lord Adonis said: “Security and police investigations are continuing on both sides of the Atlantic and enhanced security measures remain in force. We will confirm arrangements for the immediate future as soon as we are in a position to do so.”
Abdulmutallab is charged with attempting to destroy the aircraft on its final approach to Detroit airport on Christmas Day and with placing a destructive device on the aircraft.
Eyewitness accounts said he went to the aircraft’s bathroom for around 20 minutes. When he returned to his seat, he said that he had an upset stomach and pulled a blanket over himself.
This was followed by popping noises similar to firecrackers and some reported seeing Abdulmutallab’s trouser leg and the inner wall of the aircraft on fire.
He was overpowered by passengers, including filmmaker Jasper Schuring, 32, who has been hailed a hero, and cabin crew who used blankets and fire extinguishers to put out the flames.
Bomber nicknamed ‘the Pope’ at school due to his piety
A former teacher of the man who tried to blow up a transatlantic airliner said he defended the Taliban in the classroom.
Mike Rimmer taught a teenage Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab history for three years at the British School of Lome in Togo, west Africa.
Though he called him a “model student” and said he had been “expecting great things” from Abdulmutallab, he also recalled one particular lesson when he voiced his views.
He said: “He was always very religious and some of the things he said I thought were a bit over the top. For example, in 2001 we had a number of class discussions about the Taliban and all the other Muslim kids in the class thought they were just a bunch of nutters, but Umar spoke in their defence. I thought maybe he was playing devil’s advocate, trying to keep the class discussion going.
“Often he would stay behind after the lesson or he’d collar me when I was on playground duty and we’d discuss what was going on in the news – and now he is the news.”
Mr Rimmer also recalled how Abdulmutallab was nicknamed “The Pope” at the boarding school, “because he was so pious.
He added that the “very personable boy” could have gone into politics and “could have become Nigerian president.”
The teacher, who says he took the pupil on school trips to Ghana and London, was contacted by him in 2006 when he said he was going to Yemen to study Arabic.
He said: “At the time I had not heard that it was a hotbed of al-Qaeda, and I just thought he was being adventurous.”
It has also been reported that Abdulmutallab’s father had voiced concerns to US officials about his son last month.
The banker approached the US embassy in Abuja in November, according to reports.
US sources have confirmed a file was opened, according to reports, but say the information did not warrant placing the accused on a “no-fly” list.
‘Safety should override passenger concern about body scans’
The attempted bombing of a US airliner demonstrates once again that al-Qaeda is determined to strike the far enemy and that civil aviation remains one of its favoured targets. It seeks to exploit the inherent security vulnerabilities of air travel and hopes to gain huge international publicity and create a climate of fear.
As with Richard Reid’s failed attempt to blow up an American Airlines’ flight in December 2001, using a bomb hidden in his shoe, Abdulmutallab’s alleged unsuccessful effort was a new variation in sabotage bombing tactics. He attempted to initiate an explosion using a syringe and chemicals strapped to his leg.
The US Transportation Security Administration has the task of protecting American civil aviation. It has reacted swiftly to the Detroit incident. All passengers flying to a US airport will be required to undergo an additional search of hand luggage and a “pat down” body search, and will be restricted to one piece of hand luggage. Once on board they will have to stay seated for the last hour of the flight. Airlines have also been instructed to stop showing in-flight maps displaying the location of the aircraft and the distance to its destination.
These restrictions may help, but they are already causing considerable delays in all airports providing flights to the US, and they are not a panacea.
Some key prerequisites for enhanced security are not visible to the passengers. Most important of all there must be better coordination between intelligence agencies and aviation security management. Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab was known by intelligence agencies to be in contact with jihadi extremists. Why was he allowed to have a US visa and board a flight to the US?
A crucial mistake in the US and other major aviation countries has been the failure to update the technology to keep ahead of the tactics of terrorists. Most airports still lack the sophisticated full-body image scanners that could detect terrorists with explosive substances hidden in body orifices. Flight safety should override passenger sensitivity about body scans. This equipment would considerably improve safety and would help reduce delays which cause such inconvenience and frustration to passengers.
In combination with shared intelligence, these measures would reduce the danger of carnage in the skies.
As with Richard Reid’s failed attempt to blow up an American Airlines’ flight in December 2001, using a bomb hidden in his shoe, Abdulmutallab’s alleged unsuccessful effort was a new variation in sabotage bombing tactics. He attempted to initiate an explosion using a syringe and chemicals strapped to his leg.
The US Transportation Security Administration has the task of protecting American civil aviation. It has reacted swiftly to the Detroit incident. All passengers flying to a US airport will be required to undergo an additional search of hand luggage and a “pat down” body search, and will be restricted to one piece of hand luggage. Once on board they will have to stay seated for the last hour of the flight. Airlines have also been instructed to stop showing in-flight maps displaying the location of the aircraft and the distance to its destination.
These restrictions may help, but they are already causing considerable delays in all airports providing flights to the US, and they are not a panacea.
Some key prerequisites for enhanced security are not visible to the passengers. Most important of all there must be better coordination between intelligence agencies and aviation security management. Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab was known by intelligence agencies to be in contact with jihadi extremists. Why was he allowed to have a US visa and board a flight to the US?
A crucial mistake in the US and other major aviation countries has been the failure to update the technology to keep ahead of the tactics of terrorists. Most airports still lack the sophisticated full-body image scanners that could detect terrorists with explosive substances hidden in body orifices. Flight safety should override passenger sensitivity about body scans. This equipment would considerably improve safety and would help reduce delays which cause such inconvenience and frustration to passengers.
In combination with shared intelligence, these measures would reduce the danger of carnage in the skies.
- Paul Wilkinson is Emeritus Professor of International Relations at the University of St Andrews.
Book Review-The Modern Survival Retreat by, Ragnar Benson
Here is a good book my brother lent me. I just started to read it. I have been mostly skipping from interesting chapters. So far I like it. The Author has a realistic approach to survivalist needs. His mindset seems to deal with problems as a mater of fact need. He is good at outlining examples to clarify why a need is a need and the realistic situations that create such need(s) ; as apposed to an anti government wacko spewing so called extremist drivel. Not that I have any thing against anti government wackos. Its just that I think its a good idea for survivalist to demonstrate by association, we are merely realistic, not crazy. Ragnar Benson certainly seams to be a realistic person of practical ideas.
Here is an excerpt:
Always, if compromised retreat situations stalemate past few days, public relations experts will be sent in whose only job is to put their own spin on things by demonizing the retreaters. Retreaters will be labeled as bad, even evil people simply because they refuse to submit to "their government".
Whenever it goes that far, every retreat shelter, no matter how simple or humble, will be described as a hardened "bunker" or "compound". Randy Weaver's crude plywood shack was referred to as a bunker over and over again by the Marshal's Service, ATF, and FBI. The Branch Davidian's church and living quarters were collectively known as "the compound" from the very beginning. Unfortunately, journalists usually cooperate by swallowing the fiction whole. They report the official line without doing much independent inquiry, even if it's obviously a breezy slab-side shack out there in front of them.
Other examples of this phenomenon abound. A multimillionaire once started construction on a new home along the shores of Lake Michigan in the state of Michigan. Unlike many of of the social class, he was often seen in public. Dinner guests visited his home regularly. Still, popular envy with which every successful person must contend ran roughshod through his community.
The man collected old, noteworthy, limited-edition Bibles as a hobby. His Bible collection, accumulated over many years, may have been worth millions of dollars. Because the collection was priceless and mostly irreplaceable, he specified that a secure climate-controlled display are be built in to the basement of his new home.
Once turned over to architects, however, this room evolved into a reinforced cement, vault - like structure. Somehow the media latched onto the room as being an intense threat to local, state, and national authority. An immediate assumption was made that, because the fellow liked old Bibles, he must be some kind of antisocial religious nut. For several days hes was actively equated with David Koresh. Local citizens intoned darkly that he was a menace to their community.
Soon, headlines in Chicago and Detroit newspapers screamed about the eccentric rebellious millionaire who threatened local citizens because he was building this formidable structure on Lake Michigan. TV news joined the feeding frenzy, running frequent updates regarding the "bunker." Many of us who saw events unfolding expected to see federal agents riding up on the construction site in armored vehicles with guns blazing. As a precaution, the fellow sent his wife and kids out of the country.
For a time it looked as though federal marshals intended to swoop in and confiscate the man's private property. Eventually, however, the story lost its frenzied energy and the media turned to other sensational issues.
Moral? It's another proof that those of us who decide to retreat, even if it's not really a retreat, are going to be labeled as bad or even evil the wrong people find out what we are doing. We are dealing with people who, having no valid arguments and few hard facts, must resort to branding and demonetization.
It gets worse. Retreated with small children at the retreat may be labeled as hard core child molesters or perverts. They will be accused in most vicious terms of holding their own children as hostages. Officials will also paint the retreat as being a hotbed for all kinds of illegal activity, from gun running to drug dealing. Any past legal indiscretions will be trotted out as examples of the vile character of the occupants. All compromised retreats will be painted as habitual lawbreakers even if the worst item on record is a parking ticket.
Government agents will always scream "illegal drugs" at the first sign they are facing retreats who do not immediately throe up their hands and surrender. By doing so, they throw up their hands and surrender. By doing so, they allow cooperating judges to set aside the Posse Comitatus Act and sanction sending in military troops with their heavy equipment. (That's why there were tanks, armored personnel carriers, and helicopters at Waco.) It does not matter if subsequent inquiry demonstrates that the most potent drugs present were bottles of aspirin.
(retyped so, typos are most likely mine)
Paladin Press. Boulder Colorado
Book Review,
Saturday, December 26, 2009
Meet Leroy (the one on the right) lives on the reservation, So if you have your own retreat. Would like to meet a woman with her own car (his car is broken, he prefers a woman with an SUV.). She needs to have her own job, He doesn't want to get stuck with a freeloader ( he is between jobs, and someone needs to buy the beer).
His buddy Merv on the left is off limits, hes got a girl, besides he is a liberal. Leroy's new girl will need to be accepting to Merv.They regularly keep company to discuss world events. Moreover, Merv needs a place to stay when he's in dutch with the wife.
Leroy says his new woman must be attractive looks are important.(he is tired of getting stuck with the pigeon chested dogs)
So if your a hot babe with a rack, SUV, Job, and your own retreat. Leroy would love to make your acquaintance.
His buddy Merv on the left is off limits, hes got a girl, besides he is a liberal. Leroy's new girl will need to be accepting to Merv.They regularly keep company to discuss world events. Moreover, Merv needs a place to stay when he's in dutch with the wife.
Leroy says his new woman must be attractive looks are important.(he is tired of getting stuck with the pigeon chested dogs)
So if your a hot babe with a rack, SUV, Job, and your own retreat. Leroy would love to make your acquaintance.
Dating Referral
Friday, December 25, 2009
Guest article-
I wanted to share my thoughts on the real reason for this ill conceived idea about Barack Hussein Obama Health care for all.
First, I'd like to set the stage. It's safe to say that wherever there is illegal activity of any substance and that at least some serious cash is changing hands, that the syndicate, mob, or another words: organized crime has a hand in it. They are either calling the shots entirely, setting the prices or taking a "cut" off of all of the activity going on.
That being said, recently there was an expose' on Medicaid fraud in the State of Florida. According to the report, the total taxpayer money spent on Medicaid fraud has exceeded illegal substance trafficking; i.e., Meth, cocaine, heroin, marijuana, etc., combined in Florida.
Therefore, it's a reasonable conclusion that organized crime has a hand in Medicaid fraud. The reason for alot of fraud is that there is a federal law that requires checks to be cut within two weeks of the invoice submitted for medical expenses under the medicaid program. There is no time for anyone to conduct any sort of reasonable inquiry into the legitimacy of the claims submitted.
To further illustrate the gravity of the fraud just in Florida, one particular store of no more than 1,500 square feet, submitted countless invoices under the federal medicaid program for patients filling prescriptions. This one location allegedly sold more prescription medications than Wal-Mart, Walgreens and Costco combined in Florida.
By the time the ruse was up, the owners of the "store" had already vanished; apparently tipped off by someone that the Feds were headed over. All that was left was a few papers on the floor. The neighbors at the business mall where this fraudulent front was located claimed that they never saw anyone at the store- ever. Not a soul ever showed up. No deliveries, no customers, yet U.S. taxpayers paid tens of millions in dollars and not a single aspirin was ever dispensed to anyone!
An elderly woman was interviewed where she received a notice from the Medicaid Program that certain payments were made on her behalf to a company that provided services to her. According to the notice she had received both arm prosthesis, both legs were also replaced. Other procedures were also allegedly completed: a Heart pacemaker, Dialysis Treatment, on and on ad nauseum!
As it turns out, the lady was fit as a fiddle, nothing at all had been done. The invoiced payments made on the woman's behalf exceeded several hundred thousand dollars! She reported the discrepancies to program officials and even wrote a letter explaining the fraud. Nothing was done!! No one jumping up and down in amazement, threatening to chase down the perpetrators! The excuse? Not enough employees to track down and research the fraudulent invoices! Just keep writing checks, that's all we have enough people to do.
So, back to the topic: Obama Healthcare for all. If the government can't run the medicaid program properly and responsibly for our seniors, why would we want to expand their role to 200 million Americans? In that event, literally the money floodgates would be opened up and what is now going on illegally would mushroom to 100 times it's present size.
Will organized crime be involved? You bet! Does Obama know that? Well, one thing I would say that he is not, is ignorant. He is a smart man, unfortunately that much is true of him. Okay, with everything else going on in the world and in this country, why does he insist on full steam ahead on the Health Care for all? Seems to me there are campaign promises he has to fulfill. With Acorn, all the anonymous $50.00 contributions, the missing Birth Certificate, etc., etc. Let's not forget he is from Chicago.
Hmmmm?? Nah, organized crime's not involved in any of this! You decide!
Keep yer powder dry.
The patriot
First, I'd like to set the stage. It's safe to say that wherever there is illegal activity of any substance and that at least some serious cash is changing hands, that the syndicate, mob, or another words: organized crime has a hand in it. They are either calling the shots entirely, setting the prices or taking a "cut" off of all of the activity going on.
That being said, recently there was an expose' on Medicaid fraud in the State of Florida. According to the report, the total taxpayer money spent on Medicaid fraud has exceeded illegal substance trafficking; i.e., Meth, cocaine, heroin, marijuana, etc., combined in Florida.
Therefore, it's a reasonable conclusion that organized crime has a hand in Medicaid fraud. The reason for alot of fraud is that there is a federal law that requires checks to be cut within two weeks of the invoice submitted for medical expenses under the medicaid program. There is no time for anyone to conduct any sort of reasonable inquiry into the legitimacy of the claims submitted.
To further illustrate the gravity of the fraud just in Florida, one particular store of no more than 1,500 square feet, submitted countless invoices under the federal medicaid program for patients filling prescriptions. This one location allegedly sold more prescription medications than Wal-Mart, Walgreens and Costco combined in Florida.
By the time the ruse was up, the owners of the "store" had already vanished; apparently tipped off by someone that the Feds were headed over. All that was left was a few papers on the floor. The neighbors at the business mall where this fraudulent front was located claimed that they never saw anyone at the store- ever. Not a soul ever showed up. No deliveries, no customers, yet U.S. taxpayers paid tens of millions in dollars and not a single aspirin was ever dispensed to anyone!
An elderly woman was interviewed where she received a notice from the Medicaid Program that certain payments were made on her behalf to a company that provided services to her. According to the notice she had received both arm prosthesis, both legs were also replaced. Other procedures were also allegedly completed: a Heart pacemaker, Dialysis Treatment, on and on ad nauseum!
As it turns out, the lady was fit as a fiddle, nothing at all had been done. The invoiced payments made on the woman's behalf exceeded several hundred thousand dollars! She reported the discrepancies to program officials and even wrote a letter explaining the fraud. Nothing was done!! No one jumping up and down in amazement, threatening to chase down the perpetrators! The excuse? Not enough employees to track down and research the fraudulent invoices! Just keep writing checks, that's all we have enough people to do.
So, back to the topic: Obama Healthcare for all. If the government can't run the medicaid program properly and responsibly for our seniors, why would we want to expand their role to 200 million Americans? In that event, literally the money floodgates would be opened up and what is now going on illegally would mushroom to 100 times it's present size.
Will organized crime be involved? You bet! Does Obama know that? Well, one thing I would say that he is not, is ignorant. He is a smart man, unfortunately that much is true of him. Okay, with everything else going on in the world and in this country, why does he insist on full steam ahead on the Health Care for all? Seems to me there are campaign promises he has to fulfill. With Acorn, all the anonymous $50.00 contributions, the missing Birth Certificate, etc., etc. Let's not forget he is from Chicago.
Hmmmm?? Nah, organized crime's not involved in any of this! You decide!
Keep yer powder dry.
The patriot
Merry Christmas to all !
I remember the first Christmas at the ranch it was many years ago. My wife and I awoke very early to a freezing cold house. IT was less than 30 deg. inside, the heater had stopped running during the night.
At that time we were using wood stove for primary heat and a propane furnace to backup the wood stove when it would burn out. The furnace sucked because it used way to much power for living off-grid, Like I have said before its all trial and error.
My first thought when I awoke to the cold was that we had lost power. I checked the voltage display it was ok The inverter was still showing a green light. I immediately started the generator, just because I wanted to insure I had full power to trouble shoot the problem.This day it was below zero, likely very below, I don't recall the exact degree.When its this cold out you need to get some heat fast, inside temps plummet quickly.
The wife was starting a fire but after the house gets as cold as it was, it would take half the day to get the temp near comfortable. I opened the furnace door and removed the inspection cover, An indicator light was flashing. I checked the diagram it listed a flash code sequence and definition. I counted the flashes, the code indicated the vent safety switch had failed. This had shut the blower down. From the diagram I located the switch, confirmed this was the correct safety switch, by looking at the wire numbers going to the switch they matched the numbers on the diagram.
The diagram showed the symbol for a normally closed position on the switch. Meaning the switch should have electrical continuity in operation. Basically this means it connects the wires internally. Like I said it was Christmas I didn't want to make a day long project out of it. I walked down the hall to my office grabbed a paper clip pulled the connector of the switch and used the paperclip to connect the terminals together. I turned the control unit on after the it completed its self check it signaled ok. Then the heater started.
With both heaters the house heated quickly, then we proceeded with our very Merry Christmas!
Then we had to go the in-laws for dinner, but the food was good, Their ok too but I'm more comfortable in the company of rednecks. For example; I just recently attended a family funeral after several hours of drinking the night ended with two other brothers fighting in the street. That's my kinda funeral!
I remember the first Christmas at the ranch it was many years ago. My wife and I awoke very early to a freezing cold house. IT was less than 30 deg. inside, the heater had stopped running during the night.
At that time we were using wood stove for primary heat and a propane furnace to backup the wood stove when it would burn out. The furnace sucked because it used way to much power for living off-grid, Like I have said before its all trial and error.
My first thought when I awoke to the cold was that we had lost power. I checked the voltage display it was ok The inverter was still showing a green light. I immediately started the generator, just because I wanted to insure I had full power to trouble shoot the problem.This day it was below zero, likely very below, I don't recall the exact degree.When its this cold out you need to get some heat fast, inside temps plummet quickly.
The wife was starting a fire but after the house gets as cold as it was, it would take half the day to get the temp near comfortable. I opened the furnace door and removed the inspection cover, An indicator light was flashing. I checked the diagram it listed a flash code sequence and definition. I counted the flashes, the code indicated the vent safety switch had failed. This had shut the blower down. From the diagram I located the switch, confirmed this was the correct safety switch, by looking at the wire numbers going to the switch they matched the numbers on the diagram.
The diagram showed the symbol for a normally closed position on the switch. Meaning the switch should have electrical continuity in operation. Basically this means it connects the wires internally. Like I said it was Christmas I didn't want to make a day long project out of it. I walked down the hall to my office grabbed a paper clip pulled the connector of the switch and used the paperclip to connect the terminals together. I turned the control unit on after the it completed its self check it signaled ok. Then the heater started.
With both heaters the house heated quickly, then we proceeded with our very Merry Christmas!
Then we had to go the in-laws for dinner, but the food was good, Their ok too but I'm more comfortable in the company of rednecks. For example; I just recently attended a family funeral after several hours of drinking the night ended with two other brothers fighting in the street. That's my kinda funeral!
Thursday, December 24, 2009
Buck's, State of the Union Address
Ok here is my State of the Union.
The socialist have taken Washington DC. They are infiltrating all the states by covert tactics. They will enslave you by using law-enforcement to enforce there socialist rule. There means of control is financial. When you are so broke you need to work entirely to survive and pay 50% in base tax you will perhaps, reserve enough to scrape by . When you are to consumed to survive, and all you can do is keeping working to maintain a barely hand to mouth wage, they have won. Your income to fees level will worsen. You will never be as well-of as you were today. You will become poorer as the days roll by. We are looking at : much higher taxes, inflation, cap and trade costs passed down, and the grand daddy, your new health control bill. Let's look at the problems we have.
1. TAX. Your tax will increase, likely 4 times what you pay now. A huge deficit equals huge taxes (it ain't rocket science)
2. Inflation. Deficit spills over to inflation. (more paper money same goods)
3. Cap and Trade is another tax. Its costs will be passed on to you and I.
4 Health Care. This is a scam. The sole intent is to control you by every means available. This will cost you 50% of your net income, within the next few years. Don't believe me wait and see. Not paying this carries possibility of jail time. In reality very few will do much time. They will likely suspend your license, anywhere you drive you are subject to fines and arrest. A tax lien will be placed on your credit report, your credit is legally "locked", you can't do anything. Your lien is filed against your real-property, assets including your accounts. Any income you receive is garnished...........You are literally the walking dead!
LOOK, this is not a leap, the system exists to do this CSA, and Revenue departments have been using this system for 15 yrs. All they need to do is enter your SS# in-to their enforcement system. All the things I sited will all happen to you as soon as your 30 days over. I can't stress the importance of a drivers license enough. If you have no license, it instantly transforms you to a criminal. A trip to the store for a loaf of bread is a crime in itself. Several states have mandatory book and release policies for driving with out a DL. This has a proven effectiveness to sort of, imprison you with-out the expense of jail stays.
I been there, done that. It makes the simple tasks in life like "mission impossible".
In short, we are losing what we had fought for and won...........3% can win it back. Soon it will not be an option.
The socialist have taken Washington DC. They are infiltrating all the states by covert tactics. They will enslave you by using law-enforcement to enforce there socialist rule. There means of control is financial. When you are so broke you need to work entirely to survive and pay 50% in base tax you will perhaps, reserve enough to scrape by . When you are to consumed to survive, and all you can do is keeping working to maintain a barely hand to mouth wage, they have won. Your income to fees level will worsen. You will never be as well-of as you were today. You will become poorer as the days roll by. We are looking at : much higher taxes, inflation, cap and trade costs passed down, and the grand daddy, your new health control bill. Let's look at the problems we have.
1. TAX. Your tax will increase, likely 4 times what you pay now. A huge deficit equals huge taxes (it ain't rocket science)
2. Inflation. Deficit spills over to inflation. (more paper money same goods)
3. Cap and Trade is another tax. Its costs will be passed on to you and I.
4 Health Care. This is a scam. The sole intent is to control you by every means available. This will cost you 50% of your net income, within the next few years. Don't believe me wait and see. Not paying this carries possibility of jail time. In reality very few will do much time. They will likely suspend your license, anywhere you drive you are subject to fines and arrest. A tax lien will be placed on your credit report, your credit is legally "locked", you can't do anything. Your lien is filed against your real-property, assets including your accounts. Any income you receive is garnished...........You are literally the walking dead!
LOOK, this is not a leap, the system exists to do this CSA, and Revenue departments have been using this system for 15 yrs. All they need to do is enter your SS# in-to their enforcement system. All the things I sited will all happen to you as soon as your 30 days over. I can't stress the importance of a drivers license enough. If you have no license, it instantly transforms you to a criminal. A trip to the store for a loaf of bread is a crime in itself. Several states have mandatory book and release policies for driving with out a DL. This has a proven effectiveness to sort of, imprison you with-out the expense of jail stays.
I been there, done that. It makes the simple tasks in life like "mission impossible".
In short, we are losing what we had fought for and won...........3% can win it back. Soon it will not be an option.
Tuesday, December 22, 2009
by Dr. Betsy McCaughey, PhD.................Check this out!!!!!!
Please take the time to visit Her web page and blog.
by Dr. Betsy McCaughey, PhD
The health bill that House Speaker Nancy Pelosi is bringing to a vote (H.R. 3962) is 1,990 pages. Here are some of the details you need to know.What the government will require you to do:
- Sec. 202 (p. 91-92) of the bill requires you to enroll in a “qualified plan.” If you get your insurance at work, your employer will have a “grace period” to switch you to a “qualified plan,” meaning a plan designed by the Secretary of Health and Human Services. If you buy your own insurance, there’s no grace period. You’ll have to enroll in a qualified plan as soon as any term in your contract changes, such as the co-pay, deductible or benefit.
- Sec. 224 (p. 118) provides that 18 months after the bill becomes law, the Secretary of Health and Human Services will decide what a “qualified plan” covers and how much you’ll be legally required to pay for it. That’s like a banker telling you to sign the loan agreement now, then filling in the interest rate and repayment terms 18 months later. On Nov. 2, the Congressional Budget Office estimated what the plans will likely cost. An individual earning $44,000 before taxes who purchases his own insurance will have to pay a $5,300 premium and an estimated $2,000 in out-of-pocket expenses, for a total of $7,300 a year, which is 17% of his pre-tax income. A family earning $102,100 a year before taxes will have to pay a $15,000 premium plus an estimated $5,300 out-of-pocket, for a $20,300 total, or 20% of its pre-tax income. Individuals and families earning less than these amounts will be eligible for subsidies paid directly to their insurer.
- Sec. 303 (pp. 167-168) makes it clear that, although the “qualified plan” is not yet designed, it will be of the “one size fits all” variety. The bill claims to offer choice—basic, enhanced and premium levels—but the benefits are the same. Only the co-pays and deductibles differ. You will have to enroll in the same plan, whether the government is paying for it or you and your employer are footing the bill.
- Sec. 59b (pp. 297-299) says that when you file your taxes, you must include proof that you are in a qualified plan. If not, you will be fined thousands of dollars. Illegal immigrants are exempt from this requirement.
- Sec. 412 (p. 272) says that employers must provide a “qualified plan” for their employees and pay 72.5% of the cost, and a smaller share of family coverage, or incur an 8% payroll tax. Small businesses, with payrolls from $500,000 to $750,000, are fined less.
Eviscerating Medicare: In addition to reducing future Medicare funding by an estimated $500 billion, the bill fundamentally changes how Medicare pays doctors and hospitals, permitting the government to dictate treatment decisions.
- Sec. 1302 (pp. 672-692) moves Medicare from a fee-for-service payment system, in which patients choose which doctors to see and doctors are paid for each service they provide, toward what’s called a “medical home.” The medical home is this decade’s version of HMO-restrictions on care. A primary-care provider manages access to costly specialists and diagnostic tests for a flat monthly fee. The bill specifies that patients may have to settle for a nurse practitioner rather than a physician as the primary-care provider. Medical homes begin with demonstration projects, but the HHS secretary is authorized to “disseminate this approach rapidly on a national basis.”
A December 2008 Congressional Budget Office report noted that “medical homes” were likely to resemble the unpopular gatekeepers of 20 years ago if cost control was a priority.
- Sec. 1114 (pp. 391-393) replaces physicians with physician assistants in overseeing care for hospice patients.
- Secs. 1158-1160 (pp. 499-520) initiates programs to reduce payments for patient care to what it costs in the lowest cost regions of the country. This will reduce payments for care (and by implication the standard of care) for hospital patients in higher cost areas such as New York and Florida.
- Sec. 1161 (pp. 520-545) cuts payments to Medicare Advantage plans (used by 20% of seniors). Advantage plans have warned this will result in reductions in optional benefits such as vision and dental care.
- Sec. 1402 (p. 756) says that the results of comparative effectiveness research conducted by the government will be delivered to doctors electronically to guide their use of “medical items and services.” Questionable Priorities:
While the bill will slash Medicare funding, it will also direct billions of dollars to numerous inner-city social work and diversity programs with vague standards of accountability.
- Sec. 399V (p. 1422) provides for grants to community “entities” with no required qualifications except having “documented community activity and experience with community healthcare workers” to “educate, guide, and provide experiential learning opportunities” aimed at drug abuse, poor nutrition, smoking and obesity. “Each community health worker program receiving funds under the grant will provide services in the cultural context most appropriate for the individual served by the program.” These programs will “enhance the capacity of individuals to utilize health services and health related social services under Federal, State and local programs by assisting individuals in establishing eligibility . . . and in receiving services and other benefits” including transportation and translation services.
- Sec. 222 (p. 617) provides reimbursement for culturally and linguistically appropriate services. This program will train health-care workers to inform Medicare beneficiaries of their “right” to have an interpreter at all times and with no co-pays for language services.
- Secs. 2521 and 2533 (pp. 1379 and 1437) establishes racial and ethnic preferences in awarding grants for training nurses and creating secondary-school health science programs. For example, grants for nursing schools should “give preference to programs that provide for improving the diversity of new nurse graduates to reflect changes in the demographics of the patient population.” And secondary-school grants should go to schools “graduating students from disadvantaged backgrounds including racial and ethnic minorities.”
- Sec. 305 (p. 189) Provides for automatic Medicaid enrollment of newborns who do not otherwise have insurance.
Ms. McCaughey is chairman of the Committee to Reduce Infection Deaths and a former Lt. Governor of New York state.
Health Care again............
Ive been preaching about Health Care lately. Today, I found this article its saying the same thing I'm saying. I posted it in hopes that if you dont believe me perhaps you will believe someone smarter than me. Please read-on:
Government health care is a bad idea
Ps; I didn't get permission to reprint but since respect has been given to the author I think it will be permissible.
Government health care is a bad idea
Mary Fallin |
By U.S. Rep. Mary Fallin
The health care debate has shifted to the Senate but your wallet is no less safe. As most Oklahomans know, the various big government health care bills being pushed by the Obama administration and the liberals in Congress include mandates that everyone buy insurance, penalties if you don’t and massive new spending and taxes.
Proponents of those bills have claimed they won’t be as costly as much as some Americans fear. They even claim these proposals will “save” money in the long-run. That is simply not true and deceptive for at least two reasons.
First, both the House and Senate bills call for new taxes, which we would pay years before anyone could even access government health care. The so-called “reforms” — the new programs and big spending schemes- don’t kick into high gear until 2012 or 2013. In this way, the Administration’s first-decade cost estimates are misleadingly low because the government is collecting new taxes without dispersing health care.
The important cost estimate to consider is the out-year estimate, which projects the costs incurred by the federal government beyond the first ten years of the bill’s enactment. Since both bills effectively mandate a near-total federal takeover of our health insurance system, they create a massive new entitlement program. Most Americans know the history of such programs — they grow far beyond initial estimates.
A good example is Medicare, created in 1965 and estimated to cost $12 billion by 1990. The actual cost of Medicare in 1990 was $100 billion!
Today, annual Medicare outlays are approaching $500 billion. Out-year projections reveal the program faces an unfunded deficit of $34 trillion for the next 75 years. That is a huge increase over the initial promises and estimates.
As Ronald Reagan used to say, the nearest thing to eternal life on this earth is a federal program.
Unfortunately, Medicare is not the only entitlement program that has grown, unrestrained, on the taxpayer’s dime. The Cato Institute lists some instructive examples of how initial estimates of what government programs will costs are almost always wrong:
The 1996 farm bill was projected to cost $47 billion. It wound up spending $118 billion of your money.
In Boston the “Big Dig” subway project was supposed to cost $2.6 billion. At last report it had spent $14.6 billion.
Beware of those who promise that a new program will “only cost X dollars.” They are almost always drastically underestimating the eventual cost
Does that mean we should end Medicare? Of course not. What we should do is make legitimate reforms that control its costs (at least $35 billion in annual outlays is due to fraud) before we set out to create another massive entitlement program.
Sadly, the health care bills now in Congress would cut Medicare to help fund the new programs, while other unrelated legislation would restore those costs. That’s a budgetary shell game we cannot afford.
When government promises you something for nothing, or even for a lot less than the real figure, keep your hand firmly on your wallet. That’s where we stand as the health care debate moves ahead in Washington. I will continue looking out for your wallet.
(Mary Fallin, Republican, is Oklahoma’s Fifth District Congressional representative, which includes the Edmond area.)
The health care debate has shifted to the Senate but your wallet is no less safe. As most Oklahomans know, the various big government health care bills being pushed by the Obama administration and the liberals in Congress include mandates that everyone buy insurance, penalties if you don’t and massive new spending and taxes.
Proponents of those bills have claimed they won’t be as costly as much as some Americans fear. They even claim these proposals will “save” money in the long-run. That is simply not true and deceptive for at least two reasons.
First, both the House and Senate bills call for new taxes, which we would pay years before anyone could even access government health care. The so-called “reforms” — the new programs and big spending schemes- don’t kick into high gear until 2012 or 2013. In this way, the Administration’s first-decade cost estimates are misleadingly low because the government is collecting new taxes without dispersing health care.
The important cost estimate to consider is the out-year estimate, which projects the costs incurred by the federal government beyond the first ten years of the bill’s enactment. Since both bills effectively mandate a near-total federal takeover of our health insurance system, they create a massive new entitlement program. Most Americans know the history of such programs — they grow far beyond initial estimates.
A good example is Medicare, created in 1965 and estimated to cost $12 billion by 1990. The actual cost of Medicare in 1990 was $100 billion!
Today, annual Medicare outlays are approaching $500 billion. Out-year projections reveal the program faces an unfunded deficit of $34 trillion for the next 75 years. That is a huge increase over the initial promises and estimates.
As Ronald Reagan used to say, the nearest thing to eternal life on this earth is a federal program.
Unfortunately, Medicare is not the only entitlement program that has grown, unrestrained, on the taxpayer’s dime. The Cato Institute lists some instructive examples of how initial estimates of what government programs will costs are almost always wrong:
The 1996 farm bill was projected to cost $47 billion. It wound up spending $118 billion of your money.
In Boston the “Big Dig” subway project was supposed to cost $2.6 billion. At last report it had spent $14.6 billion.
Beware of those who promise that a new program will “only cost X dollars.” They are almost always drastically underestimating the eventual cost
Does that mean we should end Medicare? Of course not. What we should do is make legitimate reforms that control its costs (at least $35 billion in annual outlays is due to fraud) before we set out to create another massive entitlement program.
Sadly, the health care bills now in Congress would cut Medicare to help fund the new programs, while other unrelated legislation would restore those costs. That’s a budgetary shell game we cannot afford.
When government promises you something for nothing, or even for a lot less than the real figure, keep your hand firmly on your wallet. That’s where we stand as the health care debate moves ahead in Washington. I will continue looking out for your wallet.
(Mary Fallin, Republican, is Oklahoma’s Fifth District Congressional representative, which includes the Edmond area.)
Ps; I didn't get permission to reprint but since respect has been given to the author I think it will be permissible.
A guy made a comment dissing Reagan....Reagan is the only president in modern time, that did NOT engage in scams for the purpose of promoting his own wealth. Ya, I know someone will say 'he did that Iran arms thing' He did that to save our ass. Your damn right he was guilty! What would you do? If he didn't give Iran the arms to defeat Russia, We would be getting all or oil from Russia. OPEC would have dumped the dollar. So ya he broke the law, but it was for the Country's best interest. Even when he was charged he didn't throw anyone under the buss, like they do now! ALL he said was, "I don't recall".
I'll follow Reagan's lead any day!

NOW we get this guy? I'M NOT LIKING THE CHANGE

Is this the leader of the free world?
Pick a corner........Hey,,,, you can poke an eye out with that !!!!!!!
No one is talking about this Health Care Thing, why not! The thing is we will be so screwed if this thing goes in-to law. They haven't even made this package available to view. In the last plan your average Joe, making under 50k a year would have to pay 1600.00 per year. If you dont pay you will be fined, if you still fail to pay, criminal action will follow!
The 1600.00 per year is 135.00 per month per person. The wife and I will have to pay 330.00 per month. How much will they charge for kids? It seems safe to presume each child will costs the 135. per month. Family of four is then 660 per month. If your household income is over 50k bend over further! It will be much higher.
Oh I know, the government wouldn't do that. They know we cant afford 660 per month. Bull shit! A standard child support judgment in many states is half of your net. Primarily this is if the other parent is on welfare (the money is paid to the state.) Tell them you cant afford that, you still have options, pay or go to jail. Point is If they can take half your income for a child, then divert the payments to support the state Child Support Services, overhead........ They will have no problem taking 660 from you to support there program. YOU WILL PAY! or you will be criminalized.
Look, In the fall of '08, I didn't know if in a years time civilization would be civil, we were on a tight rope it could have gone ether way, any day. SHTF, was on the verge of realty. Fuel prices were robbing most of any reserve cash, people were getting pushed in a corner. Tensions have eased but , we are still in a corner......When government takes the last of your future, there taking your destiny by insuring your poverty for the rest of your life. I have been in a corner poked with the big stick of government. At least I will no longer be alone. Welcome to my world.
This is how this will go down, you cant pay this, I cant ether. Lets say its just you and a child. Two things first off, If you dont cover your child this will be 'child neglect or abuse' this carries a fine and jail time all on its own. Also this Health Care program has a projected costs, The actual costs are always higher than projected, Medicare was 10 times higher than projected, in the first ten years of its origination. They just charge you more to cover the difference. Back to the costs for you and another.
First year your debt is 3200.00
penalty 10% 320.00
interest 10% 352.00
total 3872.00
Next year if your not in jail, and I hope you still have a drivers license.
debt is 7072.00
penalty 772.00
interest 784.00
total 8628.00
after 5 yrs
total + int/pen 35168.00 Now they have their control, you would have to pay over 6k every year. just to keep the balance from increasing. Since you have an arrears of 35k you will have to pay the 3872.00 every year and pay your interest and penalty on the 35k If you pay 6k a year, now it will take you 40 YEARS to pay your acount current. You will be a slave for the rest of your life. (how do you like your change now?)
I dont think people realize when this goes through every person will have a judgment against them, for payment. When they have a "judgment", Your freedom is over they can do anything they want to collect from you, and THEY WILL!
GET IN YOUR CORNER SLAVE! no dont poke me with that stick, your gona poke my eye out!
The 1600.00 per year is 135.00 per month per person. The wife and I will have to pay 330.00 per month. How much will they charge for kids? It seems safe to presume each child will costs the 135. per month. Family of four is then 660 per month. If your household income is over 50k bend over further! It will be much higher.
Oh I know, the government wouldn't do that. They know we cant afford 660 per month. Bull shit! A standard child support judgment in many states is half of your net. Primarily this is if the other parent is on welfare (the money is paid to the state.) Tell them you cant afford that, you still have options, pay or go to jail. Point is If they can take half your income for a child, then divert the payments to support the state Child Support Services, overhead........ They will have no problem taking 660 from you to support there program. YOU WILL PAY! or you will be criminalized.
Look, In the fall of '08, I didn't know if in a years time civilization would be civil, we were on a tight rope it could have gone ether way, any day. SHTF, was on the verge of realty. Fuel prices were robbing most of any reserve cash, people were getting pushed in a corner. Tensions have eased but , we are still in a corner......When government takes the last of your future, there taking your destiny by insuring your poverty for the rest of your life. I have been in a corner poked with the big stick of government. At least I will no longer be alone. Welcome to my world.
This is how this will go down, you cant pay this, I cant ether. Lets say its just you and a child. Two things first off, If you dont cover your child this will be 'child neglect or abuse' this carries a fine and jail time all on its own. Also this Health Care program has a projected costs, The actual costs are always higher than projected, Medicare was 10 times higher than projected, in the first ten years of its origination. They just charge you more to cover the difference. Back to the costs for you and another.
First year your debt is 3200.00
penalty 10% 320.00
interest 10% 352.00
total 3872.00
Next year if your not in jail, and I hope you still have a drivers license.
debt is 7072.00
penalty 772.00
interest 784.00
total 8628.00
after 5 yrs
total + int/pen 35168.00 Now they have their control, you would have to pay over 6k every year. just to keep the balance from increasing. Since you have an arrears of 35k you will have to pay the 3872.00 every year and pay your interest and penalty on the 35k If you pay 6k a year, now it will take you 40 YEARS to pay your acount current. You will be a slave for the rest of your life. (how do you like your change now?)
I dont think people realize when this goes through every person will have a judgment against them, for payment. When they have a "judgment", Your freedom is over they can do anything they want to collect from you, and THEY WILL!
GET IN YOUR CORNER SLAVE! no dont poke me with that stick, your gona poke my eye out!
Monday, December 21, 2009
Diary of a Liberal, Found on cragslist
*I posted this as-is and did not correct errors*
I can understand why youse are flagging my post - If I was a liberal coquesuquer like yourselfs, I would be offended also....It kinda be the shyts to read my post & realize its like looking in a mirror init? Maybe youse all think that nyggar you all voted in is gonna save yer stupid asses - but the dumb muslim baastard will be leaving before you know it & then you faggots will probably starve....
Well enough preaching from me - lets get back to the post shall we/
Diary of a Liberal 8:00 Woke up. Took a bong hit. Went back to sleep
9:00 Woke up. Took a bong hit. Went back to sleep again.
10:00 Woke up. Took a bong hit. Jerked off to Democrat chicks with Dicks on the computer.
10:10 Browsed liberal political sites. Attacked Sarah Palin. Felt smug. Attacked George Bush, felt even smugger. Blamed Republicans for my failed life, felt even smugger.
10:30 Went to Reno Craig's list R and R. Called people racists, attacked Sarah Palin, flagged a few post telling the truth about me and supported illegal aliens. Didn't search for a job. Waiting for my stimulus check from Obama.
10: 45 I lit a candle at my Obama altar. I kow towed to his picture for 10 minutes. Meditated on His Holiness for another 5. Felt smug.
11:00 am. Put on my Che Guevara t-sirt and some dirty sweats. Went to my check my mail. My stimulus check from Obama still hasn't come. Cursed the Republicans under my breath.
11:30 am. Felt hungry. No food in my mom's house. Damned her to hell.
11:45 am. Didn't take a shower, didn't shave, didn't brush my teeth. I admired my tattoos in the mirror. I am so cool. Sprayed some petchouli oil on. Bathing is so bourgoisie.
12:00 Went to the garage and got my fixed gear bike. I want a Prius but waiting for my stimulus from Obama. Obama will give me free money like he promised.
12:10 Rode my bike to the welfare office. Some fucker in a Prius cut me off. Must be a Republican.
12:30 Got to the welfare office. It is closed for lunch. 100 Mexicans families are waiting in front of me. 300lb Mexican women with 5 kids a piece. They are so cute. I chatted with a Baby Momma in Spanish. We exchanged compliments over tattoos. She admired my tattoos of Caesar Chazez and Commandante Zapata on each arm. I admired her tattooed eyebrows and gang tattoos on her neck. I think I could have got some, but she is only 12. I cursed America for being so uptight about sex. I wish I were gay, so I could get married.
1:00 pm. Welfare office opens. There was a riot at the door. 100 Mexican families rushing the door is not a pretty sight. 10 people got shot. I smiled. I celebrated diversity.
3:00 pm. Fat Mexican lady bureaucrat calls my number after waiting 2 hours. I tell her I am poor and a Democrat and need some money. She doesn't understand English. She only speaks Spanish. In Spanish, she tells me if I am White, male and American with no children, I get no welfare--only fat Mexicans with many children can live off the state. I told her that I voted for Obama. She laughed and pointed at all the Mexican families and said, "They did too and they are not even American." I look at her, she looks at me, and we both say at the same time, "ACORN." We had a moment I will never forget. The entire welfare office erupts in shouts of "Viva Acorn, Viva Obama." Tears came to my eyes. I am going to spend at least an hour worshiping Obama at my altar tonight after I jerk off to Republican Chicks with Dicks.
3:30 pm I go to my drug dealer. I have run out of dope. I ask him if I could buy some pot on credit until my stimulus check from Obama comes in. He says, "Yo, you dumb mother fucker, you canz gets no weez on credit." "But, but I am waiting for my stimulus checks from Obama, he promised us free money." "Nigga please, he promised me free money, not your sorry ass. Now get your dumb cracker ass out of my crib before I put a cap in your ass. Credit, shit, this ain't no Bank of America, mutha fucka." I shat my pants. I gave him the Black Power salute and ran to get my fixed gear bike. Somebody stole it.
3:45 Walking home. I saw some Mexican kids riding my bike. I didn't call the police. The police don't arrest Mexicans for committing crimes. They have sanctuary. Besides, they are Brown and oppressed and I am White and privileged. They deserve my bike more than me.
4:00 I walk to the food bin. There are 100 Mexican families in front of me waiting for food. When it is my turn, I get a package of top ramen and a rotten cabbage.
4:30 I get home. I make my Top Ramen mixed with some rotten cabbage. I turn on Keith Olberman and Rachel Maddow. They give me some good talking points for my nightly session on Craig's List R and R. They tell me nothing is ever my fault. The Republicans are evil. They blame the corporations, blame George Bush, blame Sarah Palin for everything wrong in America. I feel smug once again.
7:00 pm I go to my room and turn on my computer. I go to the liberal blogs and blame all problems on Republicans. I defend Nancy Pelosi and Barack Obama for not sending me my stimulus checks.
8:00 pm I go to Craig's List and call people racists and Sarah Palin and Rush Limbaugh supporters because unemployment is now 12% and the Democrats are working hard to give us free money. I feel smug.
8:50 pm I tried to sign up on a gay website - my mothers credit card was declined - damned her to hell again.
9:00 pm I smoke the resin that was left in my bong. I browsed to Democrat Chicks with Dicks and toss myself off to a Al Gore look a like. I shot a big load when he winked at me and said, " global warming"
9:30 I lit a candle at my Obama altar and kow towed to His Holiness for an hour. I prayed real hard for my stimulus check.
I can understand why youse are flagging my post - If I was a liberal coquesuquer like yourselfs, I would be offended also....It kinda be the shyts to read my post & realize its like looking in a mirror init? Maybe youse all think that nyggar you all voted in is gonna save yer stupid asses - but the dumb muslim baastard will be leaving before you know it & then you faggots will probably starve....
Well enough preaching from me - lets get back to the post shall we/
Diary of a Liberal 8:00 Woke up. Took a bong hit. Went back to sleep
9:00 Woke up. Took a bong hit. Went back to sleep again.
10:00 Woke up. Took a bong hit. Jerked off to Democrat chicks with Dicks on the computer.
10:10 Browsed liberal political sites. Attacked Sarah Palin. Felt smug. Attacked George Bush, felt even smugger. Blamed Republicans for my failed life, felt even smugger.
10:30 Went to Reno Craig's list R and R. Called people racists, attacked Sarah Palin, flagged a few post telling the truth about me and supported illegal aliens. Didn't search for a job. Waiting for my stimulus check from Obama.
10: 45 I lit a candle at my Obama altar. I kow towed to his picture for 10 minutes. Meditated on His Holiness for another 5. Felt smug.
11:00 am. Put on my Che Guevara t-sirt and some dirty sweats. Went to my check my mail. My stimulus check from Obama still hasn't come. Cursed the Republicans under my breath.
11:30 am. Felt hungry. No food in my mom's house. Damned her to hell.
11:45 am. Didn't take a shower, didn't shave, didn't brush my teeth. I admired my tattoos in the mirror. I am so cool. Sprayed some petchouli oil on. Bathing is so bourgoisie.
12:00 Went to the garage and got my fixed gear bike. I want a Prius but waiting for my stimulus from Obama. Obama will give me free money like he promised.
12:10 Rode my bike to the welfare office. Some fucker in a Prius cut me off. Must be a Republican.
12:30 Got to the welfare office. It is closed for lunch. 100 Mexicans families are waiting in front of me. 300lb Mexican women with 5 kids a piece. They are so cute. I chatted with a Baby Momma in Spanish. We exchanged compliments over tattoos. She admired my tattoos of Caesar Chazez and Commandante Zapata on each arm. I admired her tattooed eyebrows and gang tattoos on her neck. I think I could have got some, but she is only 12. I cursed America for being so uptight about sex. I wish I were gay, so I could get married.
1:00 pm. Welfare office opens. There was a riot at the door. 100 Mexican families rushing the door is not a pretty sight. 10 people got shot. I smiled. I celebrated diversity.
3:00 pm. Fat Mexican lady bureaucrat calls my number after waiting 2 hours. I tell her I am poor and a Democrat and need some money. She doesn't understand English. She only speaks Spanish. In Spanish, she tells me if I am White, male and American with no children, I get no welfare--only fat Mexicans with many children can live off the state. I told her that I voted for Obama. She laughed and pointed at all the Mexican families and said, "They did too and they are not even American." I look at her, she looks at me, and we both say at the same time, "ACORN." We had a moment I will never forget. The entire welfare office erupts in shouts of "Viva Acorn, Viva Obama." Tears came to my eyes. I am going to spend at least an hour worshiping Obama at my altar tonight after I jerk off to Republican Chicks with Dicks.
3:30 pm I go to my drug dealer. I have run out of dope. I ask him if I could buy some pot on credit until my stimulus check from Obama comes in. He says, "Yo, you dumb mother fucker, you canz gets no weez on credit." "But, but I am waiting for my stimulus checks from Obama, he promised us free money." "Nigga please, he promised me free money, not your sorry ass. Now get your dumb cracker ass out of my crib before I put a cap in your ass. Credit, shit, this ain't no Bank of America, mutha fucka." I shat my pants. I gave him the Black Power salute and ran to get my fixed gear bike. Somebody stole it.
3:45 Walking home. I saw some Mexican kids riding my bike. I didn't call the police. The police don't arrest Mexicans for committing crimes. They have sanctuary. Besides, they are Brown and oppressed and I am White and privileged. They deserve my bike more than me.
4:00 I walk to the food bin. There are 100 Mexican families in front of me waiting for food. When it is my turn, I get a package of top ramen and a rotten cabbage.
4:30 I get home. I make my Top Ramen mixed with some rotten cabbage. I turn on Keith Olberman and Rachel Maddow. They give me some good talking points for my nightly session on Craig's List R and R. They tell me nothing is ever my fault. The Republicans are evil. They blame the corporations, blame George Bush, blame Sarah Palin for everything wrong in America. I feel smug once again.
7:00 pm I go to my room and turn on my computer. I go to the liberal blogs and blame all problems on Republicans. I defend Nancy Pelosi and Barack Obama for not sending me my stimulus checks.
8:00 pm I go to Craig's List and call people racists and Sarah Palin and Rush Limbaugh supporters because unemployment is now 12% and the Democrats are working hard to give us free money. I feel smug.
8:50 pm I tried to sign up on a gay website - my mothers credit card was declined - damned her to hell again.
9:00 pm I smoke the resin that was left in my bong. I browsed to Democrat Chicks with Dicks and toss myself off to a Al Gore look a like. I shot a big load when he winked at me and said, " global warming"
9:30 I lit a candle at my Obama altar and kow towed to His Holiness for an hour. I prayed real hard for my stimulus check.
Found this on cragslist................ I'm sure you will agree..............
RR RON REAGEN ROLLS ROYCE OF PRESIDENTS (If ya cant make em see the light, make em feel the heat!)
Here's my strategy on the Cold War: We win, they lose."
"The most terrifying words in the English language are: I'm from the government and I'm here to help."
"The trouble with our liberal friends is not that they're ignorant: It's just that they know so much that isn't so."
"Of the four wars in my lifetime none came about because the U.S. was too strong."
"I have wondered at times about what the Ten Commandment's would have looked like if Moses had run them through the U.S. Congress."
"The taxpayer: That's someone who works for the federal government but doesn't have to take the civil service examination."
"Government is like a baby: An alimentary canal with a big appetite at one end and no sense of responsibility at the other."
"If we ever forget that we're one nation under God, then we will be a nation gone under."
"The nearest thing to eternal life we will ever see on this earth is a government program."
"I've laid down the law, though, to everyone from now on about anything that happens: no matter what time it is, wake me, even if it's in the middle of a Cabinet meeting."
"It has been said that politics is the second oldest profession. I have learned that it bears a striking resemblance to the first."
"Government's view of the economy could be summed up in a few short phrases: If it moves, tax it. If it keeps moving, regulate it. And if it stops moving, subsidize it."
"Politics is not a bad profession. If you succeed there are many rewards, if you disgrace yourself you can always write a book."
"No arsenal, or no weapon in the arsenals of the world, is so formidable as the will and moral courage of free men and women.
- Ronald Reagan
Sunday, December 20, 2009
Here she is boys.........................I was suposed to post her on Saturday, but I was detained, in a good way.
Anyways here is Lisa, she hopes to meet a survivalist (or group) with a good supply of booze. She is easy to please. In-fact mostly she is passed-out, so she wont object or complain.
Her favorites are: free booze,long parties, pleasing the crowd, pleasing your friends she is usually to drunk to know the difference, Survival is important to her otherwise the party is over, post collapse.
Drop her a line.
Anyways here is Lisa, she hopes to meet a survivalist (or group) with a good supply of booze. She is easy to please. In-fact mostly she is passed-out, so she wont object or complain.
Her favorites are: free booze,long parties, pleasing the crowd, pleasing your friends she is usually to drunk to know the difference, Survival is important to her otherwise the party is over, post collapse.
Drop her a line.
We dont need more government. PERIOD
This health care thing looks like it may go through. I cant believe now proponents are claiming this Health Care Bill is necessary to correct Medicare bankruptcy.WHAT?
Look, nothing in this country is ever improved by a government program........Another government program to rescue another government program..........This has got to be the most asinine thing I have heard in my life..........Well perhaps second asinine thing...............Clinton saying he didn't know a blow job constituted sex. Would he have thought the same if Hillary gave me a blow job? Maybe he wouldn't care maybe she didn't care. Hell I don't care either. They can all suck each other off........The idea that America is passive enough to allow one bold face lie after another, is inconceivable, I'm just as bad. We are being played as fools..........................Government is like a horse ; the longer their allowed to run as they want the harder it will be to gain control, they get to big and strong, then you can't get control.
Do you know what your problem is? Your problem is the same as my problem; Our problem is government..........We don't need more government. We don't need more fees for government programs. We don't need more government in our business.We dont need them telling us what we need, we know what we need, and what we don't need. We know we don't need more of them we don't need their programs.
Health care is Expensive.........................Yes, I know it is.This is because insurance is the norm for payment of health care. Insurance, is as bad as another sub government, There fees are forced down your throat through your employer (just like taxes), they are mismanaged and spend too much for administration (just like government). Health care costs more because they have to deal with insurance bureaucracy. They have to charge more to cover for the loss created by the insurance.
Government and Insurance companies, Need to just go away............Let them go make there own money and quit taking mine.
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