Websters defines a tax as:
1. | a sum of money demanded by a government for its support or for specific facilities or services, levied upon incomes, property, sales, etc. |
2. | a burdensome charge, obligation, duty, or demand. |
Here is what I say a tax is: Any payment required by any government ; and payment is enforced by threat of legal action.
My definition of tax only varies slightly from Websters The difference is not as obvious as one might conclude. The difference is not my term of " legal action". Websters covers that by there use of "demand" I'm only clarifying how "demand" is enforced.
Websters defines demand as (I only included the operative definition)
Demand: Law, To lay formal legal claim to.
So both uses of "demand" and "legal action" are the same.
The difference is in the, "government" part.
In my definition the government only requires that you pay.
In Websters definition The government is the one getting paid.
Is this just a play on words or is it important?
If you are the one who pays by force or "demand" or "legal action". It is very important.
Here are some examples of a TAX although, not called a tax. None the less, the government will, demand you pay by threat of, legal action:
1) vehicle liabiality insurance.(you are being fined every month just-in-case you cause damage.)
2) fines, or some times called bail: traffic, general infractions, criminal citations.
3) judgments.includes: all civil claims,spousal, and alimony.
4) drivers lisences and associated fees.(legally they call driving a "privilege" so they (government) can take it away to enforce anything they want).
5) business licenses.
6) business permits.
7) building permits.
8) child support (often this reimburses the state for welfare. Some states collect interest this can easily exceed 100k per payer, the state keeps this )
10)Vehicle registration.
XX) I'm sure there are many more examples. The point is when the cost of tax is tallied we are pushing percentages near 90% taxation. In other words every 100 you make, you get to keep10 bucks.
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