Sunday, December 20, 2009

We dont need more government. PERIOD

This health care thing looks like it may go through. I cant believe now proponents are claiming this Health Care Bill is necessary to correct Medicare bankruptcy.WHAT?

Look, nothing in this country is ever improved by a government program........Another government  program to rescue another government program..........This has got to be the most asinine thing I have heard in my life..........Well perhaps second asinine thing...............Clinton saying he didn't know a blow job constituted sex. Would he have thought the same if Hillary gave me a blow job? Maybe he wouldn't care maybe she didn't care. Hell I don't care either. They can all suck each other off........The idea that America is passive enough to allow one bold face lie after another, is inconceivable, I'm just as bad. We are being played as fools..........................Government is like a horse ; the longer their allowed to run as they want the harder it will be to gain control, they get to big and strong, then you can't get control.

Do you know what your problem is? Your problem is the same as my problem; Our problem is government..........We don't need more government. We don't need more fees for government programs. We don't need more government in our business.We dont need them telling us what we need, we know what we need, and what we don't need. We know we don't need more of them we don't need their programs.

Health care is Expensive.........................Yes, I know it is.This is because insurance is the norm for payment of health care. Insurance, is as bad as another sub government, There fees are forced down your throat through your employer (just like taxes), they are mismanaged and spend too much for administration (just like government). Health care costs more because they have to deal with insurance bureaucracy. They have to charge more to cover for the loss created by the insurance.

Government and Insurance companies, Need to just go away............Let them go make there own money and quit taking mine.


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